People in airport walking to their gates

Can Bed Bugs Travel on People?

Bed bugs are tiny insects, about the size of a poppy seed, that drink human blood. Bed bugs travel on people’s clothes and luggage to get into people’s homes, where they nestle into beds, sofas, and other furniture.

What are Bed Bugs and are They Dangerous?

Bed bugs bite people, usually at night. Their bites aren’t dangerous but can leave marks that may become scarred. Some people might feel nauseous from contact with bed bugs, and over a period of time might develop an allergic response to the bite.

Bed bugs can cause considerable mental distress and agitation because they can be very hard to get rid of. It’s important to know the risk of carrying bed bugs around with you, or letting them into your home after you’ve traveled.

How Do Bed Bugs Travel from Person to Person?

They don’t travel on people in the way other parasites like lice do. But bed bugs travel by latching onto your clothes and personal items, hitchhiking their way into your home.

You can bring bed bugs home from almost anywhere people are, including planes and trains, cinemas, and hostels. Here are some of the most common ways people bring bed bugs into their homes:

Second-hand FurnitureSuitcase on bed packed with clothing

Buying second-hand furniture at a bargain price might come with a hidden cost. It can be difficult to spot bed bugs hiding in the nooks and crannies of that beautiful chest of drawers that seems too good to be true. To be safe, don’t take home furniture that you find abandoned in alleyways.

Upholstered furniture can also be a haven for bed bugs. Items with hard surfaces that you can clean and inspect easily are your best bet to avoid the creatures.


Hotel rooms are prime locations for bed bugs, because the constant coming and going of guests provides them with a lot of fresh blood. And because it has lots of cracks and crevices, your luggage is an ideal hiding spot for bed bugs to make their way into your home.


Bed bugs travel by hiding in your clothes, although they won’t be able to bite you through them. Because you move around in the clothes you’re wearing, it’s more likely they’ll sneak into your discarded clothes and hop a ride into your home and eventually your bed.

How to Prevent Bed Bugs While Traveling

It’s far easier to prevent the bugs from entering your home than it is to get rid of them once they’re there. Follow these travel tips to keep the bugs at bay:

  1. Check for bed bugs in the room you’re staying inMan leaning over suitcase to pack clothes
  2. Make sure your suitcase is closed when not in use to keep your clothes protected, and don’t leave it on the floor or the bed
  3. Wash your clothes at a high temperature to kill bed bugs as soon as you get home from traveling
  4. Vacuum your luggage inside and out

How To Spot Bed Bugs

Bed bug bites are the first sure sign that you have a bed bug problem. But about 20% of people do not react to bed bug bites at all.

Rusty, reddish stains on mattresses and walls can also be a giveaway that you have a bed bug problem.

Tiny egg shells, shedded skin and the bugs themselves may also be visible – check along the mattress seam and nooks and crannies around your bed.

If You Have a Bed Bug Infestation

Bed bugs travel from different places and are incredibly difficult to remove without the help of a professional pest control company. We know how distressing an infestation can be – if you’re struggling with one in your home or work, call, message or email Bed Bag Barbecue as soon as possible so we can resolve the issue and keep your home bed bug free.

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